Category Archives: Beachbody Coach

Un-slumping Yourself




Thank you Dr. Seuss for that reminder!  And although it is not easily done it does NOT mean it is impossible!


Do you ever scroll through Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat and think “Gee, I wish I had it all together like so-and-so does?”  Or do you think that you will never find the motivation to start that new workout program, start eating healthy or work on that big home improvement project?  I have been there, in a horrible SLUMP where negativity rules your mind, more times than I care to count. I’m sure you have too at some point in time.  And at times it can feel super scary to not know how you are going to get yourself out of it. And the longer you are there the harder it feels to pull yourself up


The good news is that you are NOT ALONE! That person you see on Facebook who has it all together?  Behind the scenes she is probably a hot mess just like you!  (Can you tell I’m speaking from experience here?)  And guess what?  LOTS of us feel that same fear of starting a new workout or eating plan because we are afraid that we might fail. Whew!! Good thing you’re not the only one right? The truth is most people only show their highlight reel or the things that are going well because it’s hard to talk about some of the harder things going on in our lives.  With social media being such a huge part of our lives we often look to others for motivation and inspiration but it can also make us feel inadequate and that we could never do what they are doing.


For me, I find inspiration and motivation in the imperfections that people share. It’s comforting to me to know that someone else misses workouts, eats ice cream and has a defiant 2 year old that is trying every last bit of their patience.  It shows me that I’m not the only Mom who struggles with having to leave my babies while I go to work and I that I don’t have to feel guilty about taking time for myself every day.


So how do we get ourselves out of a slump? When I decided two years ago to take control of my health and stop making excuses as to why I couldn’t do it, here are a few things that helped me:


  1. I had to ACKNOWLEDGE and accept that I was where I was because of my own decisions. It was not someone elses fault or because someone else didn’t hold up their end of the bargain. YOU are responsible for your own actions.
  2. I had to LET GO of things that happened in the past and didn’t work.  For years I was convinced that the only way I was going to lose weight was by working out at a gym.  I didn’t want to spend any more time away from my baby than I already had to so I had to let that go and be open to something new.
  3. I started TALKING about my experience on social media. What I realized was that so many others felt the same way I did. I started receiving messages from others who were inspired by me because I was saying out loud what they had been thinking and feeling.
  4. I made EXERCISE a staple in my week.  I started getting up at 5:30 am before my baby woke up to get my workout done in my living room.  Over time, I became more consistent and I looked and felt better.
  5. I realized that being healthy starts from the INSIDE. I canceled all my magazines subscriptions, quit reading fiction and started reading PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. You guys…..this has been life changing for me.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much happier, fulfilled and positive I am from taking time each day to read personal development.  Not a reader? No problem! Listen to an audio book or a podcast. You won’t regret it!
  6. When I signed up to be a Coach I was instantly surrounded by other positive, like-minded individuals.  Do you spend a lot of time with negative people? If so, you need to start spending less and less time with them and focus on finding positive people.  As Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
  7. Live in GRATITUDE.  Learn to be grateful for everything in your life; even the hard stuff.  No matter how bad things seem, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.
  8. Lastly, PAY IT FORWARD.  If you have found something that works with you, SHARE it with others!  Did you find a $5 bill in the laundry? Buy lunch for a coworker!  Know someone who is ill?  Make them dinner or offer to clean their house.


Look, we all have good days and bad days, good months and bad months BUT we don’t have to go through them alone. Find a good support system; a group of positive, uplifting people and it can make all the difference in the world!  I am very fortunate to have found that through becoming a Beachbody Coach. What started as my desire to pull myself out of a slump after having my first baby has turned into my life being changed forever!  I am healthier, happier and now realize that my dreams CAN become a reality if I’m willing to work hard.  There is NOTHING better than having a group of people cheering you on no matter what life throws at you.


So my advice to you is this: Acknowledge and accept what has happened in the past and decide to let it go. Your past does NOT define you. Talk to others about what you are going through; it’s likely they feel the same way.  Make exercise and personal development a priority. Take time each day to work on yourself from the inside out.  Be grateful each and every day.  Lastly, take what you ahve learned and pay it forward.  


Don’t have a group of like-minded, positive individuals you can turn to?  Please reach out to me!  I’d love to introduce you to my amazing community and help you any way I can!


Here’s to moving FORWARD,
